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An online book writing tool for writing, publishing and printing your life story or autobiography, for writers and non-writers alike.

Improve Fiction Writing- Suggestions to Become a Better Novelist

Are you ready to take your fiction writing to the next level and become a master novelist? Then you're in luck! In this post, we'll be sharing the ultimate guide on how to improve your fiction writing and become a better novelist.


We'll be sharing the top online novel writing tools that will help you organize your thoughts, edit your work, and bring your ideas to life. We'll also be discussing the secrets to creating a captivating outline, developing well-rounded characters, and using descriptive language. 

So, let's dive in and explore the secrets to crafting your masterpiece...!!


Use online novel writing tools

Online novel writing tools can be invaluable for organizing your ideas, structuring your story, and editing your work. These tools can help you streamline your writing process, reduce distractions, and stay on track. 


By using the best tools for novel writing, you can enhance your writing skills and produce high-quality work that you can be proud of. Plus, you'll be able to work more efficiently and effectively, freeing up more time to focus on the creative process of writing your novel.


By taking advantage of the right online novel writing tools, you can streamline your writing process, enhance your skills, and produce work that stands out.


Create an outline

Creating an outline is a crucial step in writing a novel, as it helps you organize your thoughts and structure your story. Not only does it make the writing process more efficient, but it also allows you to identify and resolve any plot holes or issues before you start writing. Here are some tips for creating a useful and effective outline:


Start with the big picture: Begin by thinking about the overarching plot of your story. 


Break it down into smaller pieces: Once you have a big-picture view, break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Be flexible: Remember, an outline is a roadmap, not a prison. It's okay to change your outline as you go along if your story takes a different direction.


Use technology: There are many online novel writing tools that can help you create an outline. 


Develop characters 

Well-rounded and believable characters are essential to any great novel. They are the heart of your story, and the more developed they are, the more engaging your readers will find your writing. Here are some tips for developing your characters:


Create a character profile: Start by creating a detailed profile for each of your main characters. This should include their name, age, physical appearance, backstory, personality traits, and goals.

Give them flaws: Characters with flaws are more interesting and relatable. Think about what flaws your characters might have and how they will impact the story.


Make them unique: Your characters should be distinct from each other and have their own unique voice. Avoid creating characters that feel like copies of each other.


Show, don't tell

"Show, don't tell" is a common piece of advice given to writers, but what does it mean exactly? In essence, it means that instead of simply telling your readers what's happening or how a character is feeling, you should show it through descriptive language and action. Here are some examples of how to use "show, don't tell" in your writing:


Use sensory details: Instead of saying, "It was a hot day," show the heat by describing the sun beating down, the sweat on the character's brow, and the way their clothes cling to their body. Some online novel writing tools allow you to utilize images in the content to make it more effective. 


Use dialogue: Instead of telling your readers what a character is thinking or feeling, show it through their dialogue. For example, instead of saying, "He was nervous about the meeting," have the character say, "I'm not sure I'm ready for this."


Use metaphor and simile: Using metaphors and similes can add depth and nuance to your descriptions. For example, instead of saying, "The sky was blue," you could say, "The sky was a deep, endless blue like the ocean."


By using "show, don't tell" in your writing, you can create a more immersive and engaging experience for your readers.


Practice, practice, practice

Becoming a better writer takes time and effort, but one of the most important things you can do is practice regularly. Here are some tips for incorporating writing practice into your routine:

Set aside time each day: Even if it's just 15 minutes, make writing a regular part of your daily routine.

Try writing prompts: Writing prompts can help you get past writer's block and give you new ideas to explore.


Experiment with different styles and genres: Trying out different styles and genres can help you develop your skills and find your voice as a writer

Read widely: Reading widely can expose you to different writing styles and techniques, which can help you develop your own skills as a writer.


By practicing regularly and experimenting with different styles and genres, you can develop your writing skills and find your unique voice as a writer. 


Revise and edit

Once you've completed a draft of your novel, the real work begins: revising and editing. This is an essential step in the writing process, as it helps to refine your ideas, improve the pacing of your story, and eliminate errors and inconsistencies. Here are some tips for approaching the revision and editing process:


Take a break: After you've finished your first draft, set it aside for a few days or weeks. This will help you approach your work with fresh eyes and a clear mind. Don’t worry! Online novel writing tools keep your content safe for as long as you want, so you won’t lose it. 


Read through your work: When you're ready to revise, read through your work from beginning to end. Take notes on areas that need improvement or clarification.


Get feedback: Seek out feedback from other writers, beta readers, or writing groups. This can provide valuable insight into areas of your novel that need improvement.

Use technology: The best tools for novel writing will also offer you proofreading services. You can get their help and avoid the hassle of re-reading the content again and again. 

By taking a step-by-step approach to the revision and editing process, you can refine your work and take it to the next level. 


Improving your fiction writing skills takes practice and dedication, but with the right online novel writing tools and techniques, you can take your writing to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting, there's always room to grow and improve. So don't be afraid to experiment, explore our best novel writing tools today and become the best writer you can be.



 Frequently Asked Questions for online novel writing tools


What are some online novel writing tools?

There are many tools available online to help writers, such as Scrivener, Google Docs, ProWritingAid, and Thatshowitwas Editor.


What are some tips for improving my fiction writing?

There are several things you can do to improve your fiction writing. First, read widely and often to expose yourself to different styles and genres of writing. Second, practice writing regularly and seek feedback from others. Third, pay attention to the details in your writing, such as character development, setting, and dialogue. Fourth, learn the fundamentals of storytelling, such as plot, structure, and pacing. Finally, don't be afraid to revise and edit your work, as this is an essential part of the writing process.

How do I overcome writer's block and stay motivated to write?


Writer's block can be a challenging obstacle to overcome, but there are a few strategies you can try. First, give yourself permission to write badly, as this can take the pressure off and help you get started. Second, break your writing into smaller, manageable tasks, such as writing for 15 minutes each day. Third, switch up your writing environment or routine to help you stay engaged and motivated. Finally, seek support from other writers, whether through a writing group, mentor, or online community, to help you stay accountable and inspired.


Write Your Way to Success: Top Online Tools for Novelists! Write your novel now!