That's how it

An online book writing tool for writing, publishing and printing your life story or autobiography, for writers and non-writers alike.

5 Reasons Why You Should Write an Autobiography

Writing your autobiography and sharing your life story with the world can be challenging for many. How can your narrative or lives transform other readers who don't know you?


However, it can be a transformative experience that allows you to reflect on your past and helps you better understand yourself in the present. Writing a biography is also a powerful tool for healing, self-expression, and leaving a legacy for future generations.


This post will explore why you should consider writing your autobiography, like creating your own life storybook. From preserving your life story to connecting with others, there are many benefits to putting pen to paper and telling your own story.




However, before we move further, lets us first understand the following:


What is an autobiography?


An autobiography is a literary composition that narrates an individual's life story, which the individual writes.


The memoir focuses on the author's experiences, thoughts, and feelings. An autobiography can cover any period of the author's life, from childhood to the present. It can also focus on a particular period or event in the author's life, such as their career or a significant relationship. Autobiographies may be published as books or other written works and can be written in various styles, from formal and academic to more casual and conversational.

Autobiographies are often the work of people who have achieved a certain level of fame or notoriety, such as politicians, celebrities, or sports personalities. However, anyone can write an autobiography, regardless of their level of public recognition. 


Here are the 5 Reasons Why You Should Write an Autobiography?


Provide Legacy to Generations: Your autobiography can become a valuable family heirloom, preserving your personal history and family legacy for future generations. It can provide insights into your family's history, traditions, and values, as well as your own life story. A well-lived memento lives on for generations. A legacy is like an indelible fingerprint that future generations can recall, but memories tend to fade over time.


An autobiography helps to transform the enduring legacy into perpetual wisdom that can move from one generation to another. The words recorded on a page can never fade away easily.



Be a Part of the History: Many people existed on this planet, but sadly we remember few of them, and the vast majority lost their voice over time. Memories fade with each generation, and every generation tends to forget its ancestors and how they shaped their lives and who they are today.


Writing an autobiography provides a unique opportunity for authors to claim their rightful place in history. By sharing personal experiences and reflecting on their life's journey, autobiographers can create a lasting record of their legacy. The story becomes a valuable resource for future generations, offering insight into the past and a roadmap for a brighter future. It allows them to speak in their voice and to share their unique perspective on the world.



Self-reflection and personal growth: Writing an autobiography is self-discovery, and it helps the author to explore themselves. It isn't easy to carve a journey without understanding it. Reading most inspirational autobiographies will give the reader a reflection on their journeys, and it means a well-written autobiography will connect with the readers. Wonderful autobiographies are like mirrors where readers can see their reflections. 


Writing an autobiography allows you to reflect on your life and experiences, which can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and promote personal growth. It can help you identify patterns, strengths, weaknesses, and areas where you can improve, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness.


Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and leave a lasting legacy for future generations? Then it's time to write your own storybook! Connect That's How It Was with an online book writing tool for writing, publishing, and printing your life story or autobiography for writers and non-writers.



Make new contacts: It may be surprising that writing an autobiography can lead to making new contacts. When an autobiography is published, whether self-published, digital, or traditional, it promotes exposure. For some professionals, a memoir or autobiography boosts their visibility, increasing their awareness of their work. In academic fields, publishing a book is an important milestone.


Writing an autobiography can be daunting, and some writers may struggle with putting pen to paper. In such cases, writers often seek support from writing groups or communities. These groups provide a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share their work, and offer feedback and support. Through these groups, writers can gain valuable insights, improve their writing skills, and make new contacts.


 Give a sense of purpose to your life: Many people may feel like they lack a sense of purpose in their lives, but everyone has a purpose that drives them forward, even if they're not consciously aware of it. However, discovering that purpose requires intentional and thoughtful reflection. Writing an autobiography can provide an opportunity for such reflection, allowing the author to explore their life's journey and uncover their underlying motivations and values. Moreover, readers of the autobiography may also reflect on their purpose. 


By examining their life story, the author and the reader may better understand their sense of purpose and how it has evolved. It's essential to remember that finding one's purpose is an ongoing process, and an autobiography can be seen as a series of snapshots that together reveal an overarching purpose.




Writing an autobiography can be a transformative and enriching experience for people of all backgrounds and experiences. It can provide a lasting legacy, enhance self-awareness, inspire others, establish connections, and serve as a creative outlet. So, if you're considering writing an autobiography, remember that your story is not just your own – it's part of the larger tapestry of human history and can offer valuable insights into the human condition.

Frequently Asked Questions for Autobiography:


FAQ 1: What is an autobiography?

Answer: An autobiography is a written account of someone's life story, written by the person themselves. It typically covers major events, experiences, and relationships that have shaped the author's life.

FAQ 2: Who can write an autobiography?

Answer: Anyone can write an autobiography, regardless of age, background, or experience. Whether you're a stay-at-home parent, a business executive, or a retiree, your life story is worth telling.


Call to action title: Your Life Story Matters: Here's How to Start Writing Your Autobiography